Our Volunteers
BURBAGE COMMUNITY LIBRARY couldn’t run without its team of Volunteers and we are always looking for people to join our friendly happy team that help to keep the library open.

Hi I’m Carole Kemp Volunteer Co-ordinator … that’s me on the left in the photo above with two of our Volunteer Valerie Clarke & Jackie Sprigens.
I moved to Burbage from Rugby along with my Husband Andy and our 4 cats in 2015 after buying a bungalow due to having knee problems. So far we have enjoyed living here and we are hoping this will be our last move. We have 2 grown up children both have left home and also have 2 grandchildren.
I wanted to get involved in the community as I was not working and my husband spotted an advert asking for Volunteers to help out at the Library as it had just been transferred over to be run by local willing Volunteers.
After a chat with the Volunteer Co-ordinator she asked me if I would be her assistant as I had a great administration background which was what was needed.
I agreed and went through all of the training with all of the other Volunteers and was there on the day that we officially opened. Not long after the Volunteer Co-ordinator left due to getting a full time job and I took on the role which I have now been doing for about 18 months.
I enjoy all of the camaraderie that goes on within the Library with the Volunteers and we have many a giggle – at each other’s expense. We also get together regularly so all of the Volunteers that are able to can meet each other and have a social evening – along with most of the Management Committee.
If you are thinking of joining us then please come in and pick up an Application Form at the Library, e-mail me at furrygang2@hotmail.com or contact me on 01455 446234.
We won’t turn away any willing helpers and don’t worry if you haven’t worked in a Library before – none of us have. It’s easy and you work the hours you want to when you want – there is no pressure at all.

Hi, I’m Jane … I’ve lived in Burbage for 18 years. When I was on sabbatical in Australia I got into volunteering as a way to meet new people so when we came back I started looking for opportunities.
Five years on I’m a Volunteer at the Library, Food Bank and I walk a dog for an elderly lady through the Cinnamon Trust.
I still work full time so only get to the Library about once a month on Saturday mornings but I really enjoy it and have met some lovely people.
My other interests include swimming, walking and eating out.
Most of our Volunteers operate the Library system and interact with our Library members, but we also welcome people who are willing to do other tasks such as:
Social Media
Running Community Groups
Decorating / developing the building
Keeping the Garden in good shape
There really is something for everyone no matter what your interests, experience and time you have available. We’ll give you all the Support and Training necessary which is conducted "in house" and consists of learning how the system for issuing and returning Library items works, how the Library is organised, our opening and closing procedures and how we deal with the various enquiries that come our way.
By volunteering you will have the opportunity to develop new skills, meet new people and make a significant contribution in making the Library a Social Centre for our village and keep the community spirit of Burbage alive.
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